
Deer Valley

Last sunday I was given 2 lift tickets for Deer Valley. And since the last few times skiing has been with the girls I was thrilled to think Jay and I would be able to hit the slopes for a fun date. No such luck :( The only day off this week was Sat. and he had already made arrangements for he and his players to play 18 then BBQ. So I was on a mission to find a ski buddy, I couldn't let the passes go to waste and D.V. was going to close for the season in a few days. Luckily after a yes and a no then maybe and finally I'll go from Emily we made it up on the hill Thursday. It was a beautiful day. Sunny, almost warm and only a few clouds. It was so fun to have her go. She and I are similar skiers and enjoy the same runs. We did throw in one black diamond run to push ourselves and to prove to our husbands we would do it. It had been a long time since she and I had been together skiing like that. We were always the ones left to ourselves on the paddle and rope tow at Bogus Basin while every one else went on the lifts. (BTW, I know that I was not that old left to ski with Emily by ourselves? It must have been a different world...?) and then when we finally were allowed to go on the lift she and I "Goofy" rolled ourselves into snowballs all the way down. Once we figured out how to stay up we then had to work on steering. We had a few head on collisions which explains for how it is possible for us to share a brain. (Right Dad?). Riding the lift we were able to remember some fun ski trips. Including when she and Greg left me with the psycho 30 something year old.

We were on the lift and these little kids were going off these little jumps and one was so funny! We couldn't tell if he meant to go off it or if it caught him by surprise. He landed it, but was still "whoa! whoaing!" for another 100 yards or so. Which gave us the idea that we should go off them and we could video them. So there we were, stopped on the middle of the hill with our camera filming us going off the smallest of jumps. We almost missed them, they were that small. But if these kids could do it so could we. Emily went first, then we had to keep going down that run to make sure to catch each jump. Silly, but so fun! The best part is we skied until we had our fill (and it got a little too cold) we didn't have to stop for cold kids or keep going till the last chair lift stopped. It was so fun to go with her and hopefully next season Hosie, (and EmilyK) we can plan a sisters ski trip.

You have to laugh at how silly we are going off the jumps, I wish I would have the little kids going off the jump.


snakeriverwalton said...

Weren't you worried about running into the pole on your way to the jump? No helmets or anything either! Reckless, reckless behavior.

Emily Oman said...

That was so much fun! I'm glad Jay couldn't go so I got to! I'm pretty sure those jumps were way bigger in person :)

Kevin and Heather said...

How big were those jumps?? Pretty scary:) Love the picture of you two on the mountain. Don't ya just love sisters!

Tara said...

LOVE the video- it totally caught the thrill of the jump no matter how big or small they were! I'm glad it worked out for you and your sister to go, but let's still plan a time when we can go!! I'm even more sad after watching the videos that I couldn't make it:(

Emily Kern said...

Those were some sweet jumps. I think it would be fun to go skiing, especially if I knew how! I will be the adult on the bunny hill knocking down all the little kids, but I am willing to sacrifice my dignity for the good of the sisterhood. Bring it on!