
December Chapter 1

Once upon a time, a long time ago, (clear back in Dec 2008) There was a war to be won. One undefeated team awaited their fate. And on Dec 7 it was announced that the U of U would face the giants of Alabama on Jan 2, 2009 in the 75th annual Sugar Bowl.

The fearless leader of this underdog team was ready.....

The biggest, yet smallest cheerleaders were ready. BUT before they could embark on their journey, much was to be done.

Traditions must be fulfilled. After an unsuccessful attempt to visit the lights at Temple Square then attempting a substitution with the lights at Thanksgiving point we finally made it to temple square and saw all there was to be seen. Including 4 sets of missionaries questioning our little wandering fair maiden who had more than momentarily lost her way.

As the warriors prepared for the war on the horizon, scheming, planning and training. We, the fair maidens and little warrior made our own battle plan. Take a nanny!

As the short days seemed to grow longer and longer, we were blessed to take a break and celebrate the birth of our Savior. It was a PERFECT Christmas. Quiet Christmas eve with clam chowder in bread bowls, enjoyed by candlelight. The story of HIS birth. And the peaceful glow of a snow laden earth. When the sugarplums had stopped their dancing the fair maidens and little warrior awoke to full stockings and packages thoughtfully gifted.

You could almost hear good ol St. Nick smiling as each fair maiden squealed with delight and excitement. No other sound matches the perfect giddiness of a child on Christmas morning.

After all the paper, packaging, wrappers, twisty ties, plastic, batteries, and Blueberry French Toast Casserole, I sat down to read. One of my favorite gifts each year are the stories from my mother. I read in peace and quiet (the rest of the brood was in the basement playing video games) cover to cover reminiscing of the days gone by. Later we were entertained with "Bedtime Stories". Unfortunately for Big Warrior, little warrior won the battle the theater and only the Fair Maidens were able to enjoy the entire show.

With much anticipation for the impending war, there was a moment of relief found in an afternoon of sledding.

And as a perfect 3 day Christmas celebration ended all were satisfied and rejuvenated by the peace brought by the birth of our Savior.

1 comment:

snakeriverwalton said...

I can't wait for chapter 2!