
MS Walk 2010

This year I need to try harder to make our Walk MS team a success. AND I have been a slacker... with only a few days before the walk I need some help...

My mom was diagnosed with MS around the time Alayna was born. I have said this many times... but the diagnosis was quite a blow. Everything I had imagined my future to be, everything my parents had imagined their future to be had changed. The disease has been devastating to the entire family.
Currently my mom is not mobile. It takes all her energy to get from her bed to the sofa using a scooter. There have been times when she doesn't make it and has to be picked up off the floor. She does not enjoy the effects of MS but tries to find the positive.

She enjoys reading blogs and contributing to her own. You can read it here, leave a comment you stopped by or invite her to check your blog. She feels blogging takes away parts of her disease. Since being diagnosed her ability to control her crying has been lost. She gets embarrassed and does not like what she calls her "ugly cry".
When she blogs, She is able to read and feel connected to friends and loved ones, without insecurities.
She is able to relay memories, recipes and feelings she has to her children and friends. I love her blogs. Not just for the information, but also for the glimpses I get of the woman who raised me.

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