
Spring Visitors

Our very first Christmas together was 2 days shy of our first anniversary.
Jay and I went to Nampa for Thanksgiving and had a wonderful time with family.
But when it came to Christmas, I am embarrassed to admit but unfortunately in my immaturity I made it evident missing out on a Fair Lane Christmas was devastating.
(Even though we were going there for New Years)

In my moping I put off Christmas shopping.
Jay had a few days off of school and football (no bowl game that year) and he was so excited about the "gift" he was making me.
This made me sulk even more.
I love to "make" Christmas gifts. And wanted to make Jay a gift.....
But this year I was too busy pouting I didn't even try.
Dec 24th came and I had NOTHING for Jay.
On Christmas eve day I went searching for the perfect gift and ended up wrapping a lame box whose contents used way too much of my hard earned Christmas bonus.
I learned A LOT from that.
The gift he made was this adorable bird house.

It has made every move with us and was purposely put as one of the focal points in our front yard. Always reminding me to stop thinking of myself and stop pouting. Life is what you MAKE it. Jay has MADE my life beautiful.......

Ok, so sappy, and that is not what this post is about....but with that history of the bird house, you can only imagine how excited I was when we learned a Starling couple had made a nest inside.

Alayna made the discovery. She found this egg that regrettably did not survive. (Jay {frown})

Even though 1 egg was gone the mom and dad still tended to their other unhatched little darlings

They were very protective and would make sure I was aware of their presence from the neighbors rooftop.

I love this picture. I think I am going to call it "Maaahhhhmmmm! I need to go potty!"

Amy told me the name of the birds and that even though they look plain and black to us, to each other they are the most beautiful array of colors. A perfect bird for a house made for a plain gal from Idaho...

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Oh. I love this post. And I love those pictures of the baby birds! Amazing! You got such great pics!!

Love the birdhouse, too. Jay did a great job and I love what it "represents" to you.