
Where are you spring time?

It snowed again yesterday and it made me so sad. You know Faith Hills where are you Christmas? song from the Grinch?, Here is my version....Where are you spring time? Why can't I find you? We need to go skiing or snowmobiling for me to appreciate the snow again. Or maybe, the sun could just come out and stay out.
As I looked out my kitchen window at the chicken feather flakes and getting so irritated it was snowing I got even more bugged at the grocery sack stuck in the neighbors tree. I tried to reach it from the fence but couldn't. I need to get the rake and see if I can't get it out. You can see it in the picture below. Every time I do the dishes I watch that flap in the wind. I can't wait for the leaves on the trees to come and give us our private back yard again. (And if the bag doesn't get pulled out maybe the leaves will hide it)
Jay was in charge of snow removal at the church this week, but luckily even though there was 2-3 inches completely covering the grass the sidewalks were clear. AND we had stake conference so no one would be at our ward. Joseph B Worthlin, M Russell Ballard and John M Hunstman were the speakers at Stake Conference. I really enjoyed it, I feel so lucky to have the gospel in my life take opportunities to hear such inspiration. The theme was having our houses in order. I hope we can heed their counsel and get all aspects where they should be. Any suggestions ideas or what works for you on food storage would be greatly appreciated. We are far from our years worth and rotating is always a struggle for me. Amy - We need to get a cannery schedule going. By the time we got home from stake conference the snow had almost melted and I saw some signs of spring.
Above, daffodils and below hyacinths. Planting bulbs in the fall is one of those things that makes me giddy. You do all this work for no immediate results and then in the spring I feel like without doing anything BAM! Here are some beautiful flowers. A lot of my favorite flowers are bulbs, tulips (what my wedding bouquet was) hyacinths and bunches of daffodils.
Maybe by the time we get back from Florida the Hyacinths will be blooming. That would make my day!


Kevin and Heather said...

I was so happy to see the pictures of the flowers coming out of the ground. Maybe we won't have to wait much longer.

snakeriverwalton said...

so let's get canning! I don't have the new schedule, but I'm almost out of cannery black beans which we use a ton! Howcome there are no flowers in my yard--oh yeah, the planting in the fall thing. By the way, I love it when I'm personally metioned on your blog. It makes me feel special!